Upload and Share Your Files

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.


We are more than just a cloud storage. Check our features that make's your life simple and easy..

File Encryption

File Encryption

All file transfers are encrypted (download and upload).

File Manager

File Manager

Manage tasks, track file updates and stay in sync with your teams and clients.

Multiple Uploads

Multiple Uploads

Upload hundreds or even thousands of files at once through any web browser .

Share Anywhere

Share Anywhere

Upload and share any folders of project files.– Share through email, link, or social network.

Fast Upload

Fast Upload

You’ll never hit a bandwidth or download limit , no matter how popular your file is.

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited free file storage. Zero download or upload speed caps.


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Users of Clou.do are not limited as to how many downloads they may execute, but they must return to the download page to download each file.  

Everyone can download multiple files or folders at one time.

Everyone can download multiple files at once and can even download whole folders. 

Files can be downloaded from your Clou.do storage  to any device via you web browser.  To download a file from your Clou.do storage to your computer, follow these steps.

1. Locate the file in your account you would like to download.

2. Select the file, or files, you would like to download by clicking the box next to the file name(s).  

with your  Clou.do  Interface , users can create 1-Time Download links.  This link can then be shared with another user.  Once a user receives a 1-Time Download link they can only download the file to their device (it cannot be viewed on the Clou.do Web Interface).  After the user downloads the file, the link cannot be downloaded by another user.  This link has various options such as sending a notification email when it is accessed and setting an expiration date.  Once the link expires, it can no longer be used.

To share a resource from your account with another person, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the resource you would like to share.
  2. Right-click the resource you would like to share.  Select the menu item Share.

Files of any type can be uploaded to Clou.do and stored in your account.  To upload a file to Clou.do, follow these steps:

1. Open your Clou.do storage.

2. Click on the blue Upload icon at the top of your screen, or press U on your keyboard, to open the upload dialogue.

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Something is not working for you? Please check our FAQ page first. If your question isn’t answered there, do not hesitate to contact us.

Upload Files

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Max File Size 50.00 MB / Files available for 1 day

Drag and drop or click here to upload

You can also browse from your computer

Password protection

The password helps protect your file from public accessing

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